I went looking on the web recently to try and answer the question of why there is so munch rancor among people on politics. And maybe it was because I focused more on conservative blogs rather than liberal but the conservatives seem to be the angriest. But maybe that was just a coincidence. However no one can dispute that that there is much anger and out there. Unfortunately my humble search revealed no real answers so I am left to speculate. Here are my theories.
I looked hardest at conservative articles because that is the point of view I generally disagree with most often and I would very much like to better understand the opposing position. But I am honestly at a loss as to why conservatives believe what they do. And I say that without any intention of trying to antagonize those with a different point of view. I believe one explanation for the anger is the large amount of misinformation being pumped to the public via numerous organizations whose sole purpose is to persuade the American public that the science and facts are incorrect and instead the organization's information is the only truth. For example, there are numerous websites whose sole purpose is to dispute the existence of the climate crisis, A, B, C are a few. I suppose these sites can be convincing if someone has little knowledge of the science as I'm sure is the case for most people – to be honest. One thing these anti climate crisis sites do is to supposedly quote science and scientists but unless you actually know the science yourself you would have no way of knowing that they are making this stuff up. And I chose the climate crisis issue because I know something about it but I think the same could be said for a great number of other issues.
The next question then is why would whole websites be created to refute the claims that there exists a climate crisis or any other issue? To find the answer would mean having to look no further that the corporations who stand to gain (or lose) something. That's pretty obvious. But in addition to corporations or more importantly I think are the individuals involved. Who makes the money, when and where because it's either about money or power or both. Interestingly or maybe not the anti-climate crisis websites will say the same thing. They come up with reasons why Al Gore, for example, is profiting from his crusade against global warming.
So what else is it besides misinformation? I suppose conservatives by nature do not want change they are by definition about the status quo. And the climate crisis is all about change whether we like it or not. So is that it? Does that explain the conservative position? Reluctant to change by nature and fed a steady diet of misinformation? Have I oversimplified? Probably. I never mentioned religion which I think is in fact at the heart of modern American conservative ideology. Anyone care to agree or disagree?
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