Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Sinking Ship?

Finally some of the press on Gov. Palin has made a dent in public opinion. Her favorable has dropped from about 52% down to about 42% in the past week. Let's hope the trend continues. Andrew Sullivan gives an apt description of her I think: "constant lying, religious fanaticism, spectacular stupidity, ignorance of basic facts even on energy, total unawareness of and interest in foreign policy and inability to hold a press conference." I think that pretty much covers it. I would describe her as a cross between the worst qualities of Bush Jr. and Dick Cheney.

Earlier in the campaign when it was clear that Obama would be the Democratic pick I believed the Republicans would be smart to pick a woman for the veep slot. Then when they did I thought it was indeed a clever move (see earlier post). Obama picked a running mate to help govern and McCain picked a running mate to help him get elected. While I still think this was the right idea it's beginning to look like they may have picked the wrong woman. The question is at this point will the mainstream and liberal press keep the pressure on, keep the stories coming or will they let the Roverites once again fool the swing voters convincing them the swamp land is actually a million dollar mountaintop.

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